Fisheries and Livestock Minister Narayan Chandra Chanda said Bangladesh is currently independent in the generation of fish and meat.
In a public interview with authorities of the service at the Secretariat, he told the media.
The clergyman stated, as per the National Food Conservation Guidelines, one individual needs to eat 60 grams of fish and 120 grams of meat for every day.
He stated, right now the accessibility of meat every day in the nation is 121.79 grams, which is more than the interest. Subsequently, Bangladesh is currently independent in delivering meat as per request.
Following 46 years of autonomy, Bangladesh has confident in fish generation today, the clergyman stated, the fish division at present gives 3.13 percent of the nation's GDP and 24.41 percent of the rural GDP.
Narayan Chandra Chanda stated, "We have had the capacity to reestablish the Bengali custom in the field."
The Minister said that the objective of generation of meat in the year 2016-17 was 71 lakh 35 thousand metric tons, where creation was 71 lakh 54 thousand metric tons barring the objective. In the meantime, the creation focus of 41 million 34 thousand metric tons, surpassing 40 lakh 50 thousand metric tons.
He stated, as indicated by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization's report of 2016, Bangladesh is fourth on the planet as far as fish obtaining from inner water bodies. Fish is additionally the fifth spot in the development.
Fisheries and Livestock Ministry Acting Secretary Md. Senior authorities of Riceul Alam Mandal alongside other senior authorities were available.