Led workshop on online business and aptitude upgrade with support of colleagues

Regardless of the present situation of taxpayer supported organizations, the fundamental target of Digital Bangladesh is to convey simple, quick, straightforward and provocation free administrations to the doorsteps of all areas of the general public. So as to actualize this goal, the legislature has created coordinated e-administration structures wherever from the association to upazila, locale, division and service. 

In that continuation, composed by the Co-employable Department, a workshop on 'internet business and expertise improvement with investment of collaborators' has been held as a team with the A2U and bureau division on LGED Building in Chittagong. 

Recorder and Director General of the Co-employable Department, the central visitor of the program, revealed the web based business manual bookshop among the business visionaries in the workshop. Abdul Majid 

In this, the business visionaries are prepared in hands-on item bundling, item photography, structure, coordinations the executives and installment strategies. Manik Mahmood, Capacity Development Specialist of the Aoi Project, was available in the workshop. 

Group captain and Head of Commerce of AEI Project, Lead and Head of Commerciation, Aylab Rezwanul Haque Jami, and National Consultant of A2i Project Shahriar Hassan Jisan gave direction through online business openings through internet business. Public statement

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