Today, the film has been submitted to the film control board on Thursday evening. Photograph chief Malek Afsari affirmed the data. He stated, "There were three melodies left in the image. Shakib Khan and Bubli went to Turkey recently to shoot the tunes. Finishing the recording of shooting of the shooting each day to Bangladesh has been finished. The film has been submitted to the film edit board on Friday for the freedom.
In the interim, in the wake of finishing the shooting of three melodies in the 'passwords', Shakib Khan and Bubli partook in shooting of new tunes 'Mana Man Pyaal Na' in the tune. The shooting of the melody finished in a lovely area in various pieces of Turkey. Bubbli has revealed from Turkey on Wednesday night
In the cell phone, he stated, "The shooting of the melody is practically finished. Ideally shooting will finish on Thursday night. Tomorrow we will come back to our nation. There is a great deal of movement in shooting here. One area is a long way from another area. We're shooting more enthusiastically.
Bubli said shooting has been done in various recorded places in Turkey to bring assorted variety. He stated, 'I have shot the international ID photograph melodies in notable spots like Istanbul, Alatonia, Kapadokia, Pamukal.'
Every one of the melodies of the 'Passing' picture are coordinated by India's dad Jadhav.